The curriculum we teach is 15 years in the making. Our team of disciple-makers are people who have walked through pain, seen God do miraculous things, and aren’t afraid to ask the hard questions.
Everything we teach at Narrow Gate is Biblically based and focuses on knowing more about God and how you relate to Him. Our focus is on helping you discover the answers to two essential questions: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”
Do you thrive in hands-on environments? Our discipleship curriculum is not limited to just Bible studies. Our Artisan Educational Training plays a vital role in teaching our students who God is and what gifts and abilities He has given them.
Our goal is for you to walk away from every lesson with a clearer understanding of God and your identity in Him.
Our foundation. Our bread and butter. Our rock. This teaching series is everything Narrow Gate Lodge is about: discovering your identity and learning how to find purpose in that identity.
Outdoor Life Training teaches how to use equipment, maintain equipment and prosper while living in the wilderness.
As a foundation student you will walk through the book of John in an exegetical study
Learn to not only survive in the wilderness but in a community setting during this teaching series.
The first organized activities you will be a part of as a new student are Discovery Lessons that allow you to self-reflect and understand certain personal patterns that affect how you react to the world around you.
God in Arts and Science is a 10 part DVD assisted study that reveals God in Cosmology, Biology, and Philosophy. We will explore how the latest developments in these fields do not make a case for the lack of the existence of God, but to the contrary, reveal His existence. We will also discover that not only do science and logic point to an intelligent designer outside of time and space, but also that this God is alive and active in creation today.
A three week, verse by verse study through the book of Galatians. In this study we look at the fundamental human need for justification, and how we can
either try to complete this work through our own efforts, or trust in the finished work of Jesus.
You are assigned areas of responsibility on the property once they move into community. Maintain areas of responsibility by keeping them safe, clean, organized and functional. Plan projects in their areas of responsibility, provide detailed plans on cost, time, manpower and equipment needed.
Understanding Philemon will focus on the Bible’s theme of reconciliation, and how we, in parallel to the story, have been reconciled in Christ despite our choices in life.
After completing the introduction to creative shops course, you will have the opportunity to safely spend time in our artisan shops. This includes a fully functional wood shop, metal shop and leather shop where you can create amazing pieces of art under the direction of organizations like The Tennessee Association of Woodturners and artisans from Narrow Gate Trading Co.
Develop a mature Christian faith through overcoming the timeless struggles that plague the church and experience joy even when your circumstances seem to dictate despair and hopelessness.
A Lodge classic. We've listened to/read this book ever since our inception as way of preparing our hearts for what comes next...
We see this as the apex of the Lodge experience, the climax of your experience here. Everything you've learned and accomplished comes to a purpose driven point here during the Vision and Purpose exercise.
Personality assessments are a vital element of understanding yourself and what better way to discover a piece of your identity?
Discovering Spiritual Gifts consists of studies on the definition of spiritual gifts, an overview of different types of spiritual gifts, and the relevance of spiritual gifts to the life of the church.
Discover the Biblical way of dealing with money as you finish your Lodge experience
Learn practical leadership principles for difficult ministry and how to serve the Church as a whole.
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